MAC Address Lookup API

Our MAC Address Vendor/Manufacturer Lookup API allows you to query against our database and obtain information about any MAC address or OUI. Our simple to use RESTful API makes it easy to implement into any application you are building.

Costs and Query Limits

Our API is totally free! We pay for this site from our own pockets, ads, and donations. If you feel compelled (and you SHOULD!) to help us out, you can donate here :)

If you are querying too fast, in an inefficient or in an irresponsible way, we will initially throttle API requests coming from the specific IP address. If it continues, we will temporarily ban your IP block and any associated IP blocks registered through ARIN. If you are having any issues or no longer receiving a response from our API, please Contact Us so we can work out a custom solution to fit your needs... Especially if you happen to be an ISP in Evansville, IN ;)

How to use our API

To use our API, just send your requests to the following URL and you will receive a JSON encoded output.{MAC_Address}

Queries must be at least 6 hexadecimal characters long to be able to determine the manufacturer. However, some OUIs issued by IEEE are split into smaller chunks for companies that do not require a full OUI24 block. In that case, the first 6 characters of the MAC address will not be enough and you will need to supply 8 characters to query our OUI36 database. If at all possible, send the full MAC address in any format for the best possible result.

JSON Output

By default, our API provides a JSON encoded response.

Response Output
      "company":"CISCO SYSTEMS, INC.",
      "addressL1":"170 W. TASMAN DRIVE",
      "addressL2":"M\/S SJA-2",
      "addressL3":"SAN JOSE CA 95134-1706",
      "country":"UNITED STATES",

The two relavent response headers provided are HTTP/1.1 200 OK and Content-Type: application/json

Value Descriptions

In all of the reponse formats, the order of the values are the same. A description of each value is below.

The start of the MAC address range the vendor owns in hexadecimal format
The end of the MAC address range the vendor owns in hexadecimal format
The start of the MAC address range the vendor owns in decimal format
The end of the MAC address range the vendor owns in decimal format
Company name of the vendor or manufacturer
First line of the address the company provided to IEEE
Second line of the address the company provided to IEEE
Third line of the address the company provided to IEEE
Country the company is located in
There are 3 different major IEEE databases: MA-L, MA-M, and MA-S

No Match Found

If there is no match in our database, you will receive an empty response with a status code of HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Output Formats

If you would like to specify a different output, append a /{OutputFormat} to the end of your query. Valid output formats are json, xml, csv, and pipe. The output from each type are below.

XML Output


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<company>CISCO SYSTEMS, INC.</company>
	<addressL1>170 W. TASMAN DRIVE</addressL1>
	<addressL2>M/S SJA-2</addressL2>
	<addressL3>SAN JOSE CA 95134-1706</addressL3>
	<country>UNITED STATES</country>

The two relavent response headers provided are HTTP/1.1 200 OK and Content-Type: application/xml

Comma Delimited Format (CSV) Output


"0023AB000000","0023ABFFFFFF","153192759296","153209536511","CISCO SYSTEMS, INC.","170 W. TASMAN DRIVE","M/S SJA-2","SAN JOSE CA 95134-1706","UNITED STATES","oui24"

The two relavent response headers provided are HTTP/1.1 200 OK and Content-Type: text/csv

Pipe Character Seperated (|) Output


0023AB000000|0023ABFFFFFF|153192759296|153209536511|CISCO SYSTEMS, INC.|170 W. TASMAN DRIVE|M/S SJA-2|SAN JOSE CA 95134-1706|UNITED STATES|oui24

The two relavent response headers provided are HTTP/1.1 200 OK and Content-Type: text/plain

About REST (REpresentational State Transfer)

We designed our API in a very RESTful way, so that your consumption of it is simple and straightforward. FromĀ Wikipedia:

REST's proponents argue that the Web's scalability and growth are a direct result of a few key design principles:

  • Application state and functionality are divided into resources
  • Every resource is uniquely addressable using a universal syntax for use in hypermedia links
  • All resources share a uniform interface for the transfer of state between client and resource, consisting of

    • A constrained set of well-defined operations
    • A constrained set of content types, optionally supporting code on demand
  • A protocol which is:

    • Client-server
    • Stateless
    • Cacheable
    • Layered

REST's client/server separation of concerns simplifies component implementation, reduces the complexity of connector semantics, improves the effectiveness of performance tuning, and increases the scalability of pure server components. Layered system constraints allow intermediaries-proxies, gateways, and firewalls-to be introduced at various points in the communication without changing the interfaces between components, thus allowing them to assist in communication translation or improve performance via large-scale, shared caching.